Attract More Bird Species and Enhance Your Own Mental Health

If you've been feeding the birds for a while, you might think you've got it all figured out. But what if you could take your hobby to new heights - not just for better birdwatching but for enhancing your mental health, too? Recent studies link seeing a greater diversity in bird species to boosts in a person's mental well-being. Basically, you see more, different birds; you feel better - it's a win, win!

This is your opportunity to transform from a casual feeder to a bird feeding enthusiast. With the right food, feeders and water sources strategically spread about your yard, you can enjoy a bird feeding experience that gives back, season after season.

Consider using these to enhance your yard:

  • Tray Feeders: These are a hit among our feathered friends for their ease of access and unobstructed views, making them perfect for your relaxation and birdwatching.
  • Hopper Feeders: Ideal for attracting a diverse crowd with their ample landing spots and ability to hold a hearty mix of seeds.
  • Tube Feeders: Great for a tidy feeding experience, these keep the seeds safe from the elements and allow multiple birds to dine simultaneously.
  • Suet Feeders: Essential for providing high-energy fat, these attract a variety of birds, from woodpeckers to warblers, especially those partial to insects.
  • Finch Feeders: Designed specifically for finches, these feeders use Nyjer®️ to draw in these beautiful birds year-round.
  • Nectar Feeders: For the dazzling hummingbirds and orioles, choose feeders that are easy to clean and fill, offering you superb viewing opportunities.
  • Water Features: No backyard habitat is complete without water. From simple bird baths to elaborate recirculating systems, water features keep birds coming back and enhance the natural appeal of your space.

Your efforts will not only lift your mood but also will support the health and diversity of our local bird population. Visit us soon to learn more about the benefits of diversifying your bird food and feeders.

How to Clean Your Feeders

Now is a great time to do some feeder cleaning. This helps to prevent the spreading of illnesses. Keeping feeders clean is also an important part of feeder maintenance. Clean and sanitize your feeders on a regular basis. This can be every few weeks or more frequently. It's all part of responsible bird feeding! 

Follow our 4 Easy Steps to clean your feeders: 

1️⃣ Wash & scrub your feeder with soap & warm water.
2️⃣ Use a light 10% bleach solution to sanitize.
3️⃣ Rinse your feeder well.
4️⃣ Dry thoroughly and refill.

As with any chore, it's all about the tools, right?! And, we have every brush imaginable to help you clean your feeders easy-peasy. Also, don't forget to clean the area around the feeders to help eliminate the build up that can occur and keep the mess down for birds that are feeding on the ground.

While you're cleaning your feeders make sure they are functioning properly. Our WBU feeders have a limited lifetime guarantee that covers the function of the item against defect or damage. If at any time your feeder breaks or if it will no longer function, we will put it back in working order. We have parts on hand and can repair most problems right away. One of our bird feeding specialists will look at your feeder and determine the best way to restore it to working order.

Do you own a Squirrel-Proof Eliminator Feeder? Watch this video to learn how to properly take it apart, wash it and re-assemble it like a pro!

#SavetheSongBirds: Reduce Plastics

It’s estimated that 4,900 million metric tons of plastic have accumulated in landfills and in our environment worldwide, polluting our oceans and harming wildlife that mistakenly eat plastic or become entangled in it.

Did you know we offer a variety of recycled plastic nest boxes and feeders?  Feeding the birds in your backyard is a great way to enjoy and support nature. But how can a bird-friendly yard be as eco-friendly as possible? By using our top-quality feeders, and houses made from recycled plastic. It's something good you can do for the birds and for our environment. And,oour EcoTough® Feeders and Nest Boxes won’t crack, fade or rot so they'll stay looking great too.

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