Customer Monthly Bird Sightings in the Santa Fe Area 
As noted by Customers visiting our store...
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Tons of Dark headed Juncos - all over
Tons of robins - all over
Tons of mountain and western Bluebird - all over

Ruby crown Kinglet - Pueblo Alegre and Canyon Road
Northern Flickers - Aldea and Opera House
Cedar waxwings - white rock and Galileo basin preserve
Sage thrasher - Eldorado
Hermit thrush - Canyon Road
Townsend’s Solitaire - Tano Road
Williamson’s Sapsucker - Taos
Red crossbills - Café fina
Piñon Jays - Tesuque
Bald eagle - Las Campanas
Ferruginous Hawk - Turquoise Tr
Juniper titmouse - Eldorado
Snow geese (1000s) - Bernardo
Red-breasted nuthatch - Tesuque
Pine Siskins - SE Santa Fe
Lots of lesser goldfinches - SF
Great blue heron - Pecos River
Scaled quail - Tano Rd
Yellow-rumped warbler - southside
White-crowned sparrow - Lamy
Acorn woodpecker - Pecos

American white pelican: a rare find in Las Campanas. Apparently, it was injured. The thought is that it crashed into the pavement, as oftentimes, especially when wet, the pavement can look like water. The bird was rescued and taken to the New Mexico Wildlife Center. In the last report, they believed it could be rehabilitated & returned to the wild.


Rare YELLOW-headed Ladder-backed Woodpecker - midtown Santa Fe

Leucistic Red-Tailed Hawk - Tierra Amarilla

Dark-eyed Juncos - all over
Western Bluebirds - SF Country Club; Bishops Lodge; Swanson; Glorieta & Canoncito
Lesser Goldfinches - Eldorado
Downy Woodpecker - Santa Fe
Northern Flicker - Santa Fe
Cedar Waxwings - las Campanas; Arroyo Chamisa
American Goldfinch - Las Campanas
Barn Owl - Galisteo
Sandhill Crane - Española


Hummingbird (11/1/24 & 11/4/24) S. Captiol
Hummingbird (11/7/24) Arroyo Hondo

White-Crowned Sparrow - Frenchy’s Field
Dark-Eyed Juncos - Santa Fe & Canoncito
Williamson’s Sapsucker - Las Campanas & Old SF Trail
Western Bluebirds - Pecos River & Canoncito
Ladder-Backed Woodpecker - Pecos River
Great Blue Heron - Museum Hill
Roadrunner - Eldorado
Sage Thrasher - Eldorado
Brown Creeper - Eldorado
Lewis’s Woodpecker - Old SF Trail
Sandhill Cranes - lots! - Ojo Caliente


Wilson’s Warbler - Randall Davy Audubon Center
Yellow Warbler - Audubon Center
Brown Creeper - Audubon Center
Lewis’s Woodpecker - Audubon Center
Hummingbird Casa Solana; Eldorado; Cañoncito; (all mid-October)
Northern Flicker - Santa Fe
Sandhill Cranes - flying over Galisteo
Western Bluebirds - Cañoncito
Chipping Sparrow - Cañoncito
Steller’s Jay - Cañoncito
Dark-Eyed Juncos - Tesuque; Cañoncito
Townsend’s Solitaire - Tesuque
Lesser Goldfinches - Taos; Cañoncito
Green-Tailed Towhee - Taos
Williamson’s Sapsucker - Hondo
Sage Thrasher - Hondo
Lots of quail - Eldorado


Hummingbirds - all over Santa Fe City & County

Flock of American Pipits - Lamy
Orange-Crowned Warbler - Railyard
Wilson’s Warblers - Hwy 14; Canoncito; Audubon Center; Santa Ana Pueblo
Yellow-Rumped Warbler - Hwy 14
Bushtits - Frenchy’s Field
Bluebirds - Old Las Vegas Hwy
Belted Kingfisher - Embudo / Dixon
Blue Grosbeak - Embudo / Dixon
Cedar Waxwing - Embudo / Dixon
Western Tanager - Embudo / Dixon
Lesser Goldfinches - Canoncito
Roadrunner - Canoncito
Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk - Casa Solana
Sage Thrasher - Eldorado
Western Kingbird - La Cinegilla
Green-Tailed Towhee - Camino Real / Santa Fe River


Hummingbirds - all over

Tons of Lesser Goldfinches - Canoncito; Embudo; Santa Fe

Yellow-Headed Blackbird - La Tierra
Black-Headed Grosbeak - Canyon Rd; Canoncito
Blue Grosbeak - Nambe
Cooper’s Hawks - Osage; Hyde Park
Bushtits - Santa Fe; Rabbit Rd
Yellow-Breasted Chat - Embudo
Black Phoebe - Embudo
Lark Sparrow - Embudo
Lazuli Bunting - Cedar Grove; Old Pecos Tr
Curved-Billed Thrasher - Galisteo
Turkey Vultures - Galisteo
Roadrunner - Galisteo; Old Las Vegas Hwy
Barn Owl - Eldorado
Wester Tanager - Canoncito; Embudo/Dixon


Hummingbirds all over

*** RIVOLI’S HUMMINGBIRD (formerly know as Magnificent) - LAMY not rare but not a common sighting ***

Cowbird - Galisteo
Roadrunner - Galisteo
Sage Thrasher - Eldorado
Black-Headed Grosbeak - Bishop’s Lodge; Canoncito
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak - Lamy; Pecos; Randall Davy Audubon
Western Tanagers - La Canada Village
Northern Flicker - Rose Park
Hairy Woodpecker - Canoncito
Red-Naped Sapsucker - Penasco
Cassin’s Kingbird - Santa Fe
Western Kingbird - San Jose
Ash-Throated Flycatcher - Canoncito
Western Bluebirds - Bishop’s Lodge
Juniper Titmouse - Bishop’s Lodge; Canoncito
Bushtits - Bishop’s Lodge
Plumbeous Vireo - Lamy
Warbling Vireo - Santa Fe National Forest Trails
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Santa Fe National Forest Trails
Mourning Doves - Santa Fe
White-Winged Doves - Santa Fe
Canyon Towhee - Santa Fe; Canoncito
Spotted Towhee - Santa Fe; Canoncito
Lesser Goldfinch - Santa Fe; Canoncito
Chipping Sparrow - Santa Fe National Forest Trails
Hermit Thrush - Santa Fe National Forest Trails
Mountain Chickadee - Santa Fe National Forest Trails


YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO in early June - Leonora Curtain Wetlands - VERIFIED

Breeding pair of Kestrals - Eldorado
Dozens of Western Tanagers in early June - Glorieta
Summer Tanager - La Mesilla
Hepatic Tanager - Park Plazas
Say’s Phoebe - South Side & Eldorado
Green-Tailed Towhee - La Mesilla
Yellow-Breasted Chat - Upper Canyon Rd
Ash-Throated Flycatcher - Eldorado & Canoncito
Western Kingbird - Museum Hill & Airport Rd
Scott’s Oriole - La Tierra
Bullock’s Oriole - Santa Fe & Canoncito
Downy Woodpecker & baby - Santa Fe
Red Crossbill - Old Santa Fe Trail


Black-Chinned & Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds - all over
Western Tanagers - HUGE numbers all over
Black-headed Grosbeaks - all over
Bullock’s Orioles - all over
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak - Canoncito & Santa Fe
Red Crossbill - Eldorado; Rosario Hill; White Rock
Yellow-Rumped Warbler - San Mateo
Wilson’s Warbler - San Mateo
Cassin’s Kingbird - Midtown
Yellow-headed Blackbird - Eldorado
Cedar Waxwings - near the river
Curved-Bill Thrasher - Galisteo
Blue Grosbeak - La Cienega & Las Vegas
Scott’s Oriole - Lamy
Black-Billed Magpie - Tesuque & Canoncito
Green-Tailed Towhee - St. Francis
Common Poorwill - Canoncito
Mountain Bluebirds - Abiquiu
Cowbirds - Camp Stoney
Lesser Goldfinches - Canoncito
Pine Siskins - Canoncito
Ash-Throated Flycatcher - Canoncito & Galisteo


Osprey - Dixon
Lesser Goldfinch - Santa Fe & Dixon
Say’s Phoebe - Dixon
Black-chinned Hummingbirds - all over
Broad-tailed Hummingbirds - all over
Red Crossbill - Glorieta
Painted Redstart - Bosque del Apache NWR outside Socorro
Western Tanager - Santa Fe, Canoncito, Dixon
Evening Grosbeak - Glorieta & La Tierra
Black-headed Grosbeak - Canoncito
Bullock’s Oriole - Santa Fe & Eldorado
White-Crowned Sparrow - Canoncito & Dixon
Chipping Sparrow - Dixon & Canoncito
Spotted Towhee - Eldorado & Santa Fe
Green-Tailed Towhee - Eldorado
Canyon Towhee - Santa Fe
Black-Crowned Night Heron - Tesuque
Pine Siskin - Santa Fe
Hairy Woodpecker - Santa Fe
Downy Woodpecker - Santa Fe


Red-naped Sapsucker and Williamson’s Sapsucker - Randall Davey Audubon Center
Red-Winged Blackbird - Chimayo
Red Crossbilss - White Rock & Botanical Garden
Yellow-rumped Warbler - St Mikes
Northern Flicker and Canyon Towhee - Frenchy’s Park
Savannah Sparrow - Glorieta
Western Bluebird - Tesuque
Red-Breasted Nuthatch - St John’s
Lewis’s Woodpecker and Mountain Bluebirds- Eldorado
Evening Grosbeak - Canyon Rd
Casein’s Finch - Santa Fe
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Eldorado
Cedar Waxwings - Cañoncito
Lesser Goldfinches - Tano Rd
Bendire’s Thrasher - Rodeo / Yucca


Flock of crossbills - Taos
Lewis’s Woodpecker - Los Alamos
Flock of Kinglets - La Tierra & Railyard
Williamson’s Sapsucker - La Tierra
Northern Harrier - S.F. Animal Shelter
Pinyon Jays - St. Mike’s
Yellow-Rumped Warblers - Rodeo Rd
Pine Siskins - Canoncito
Canyon Towhee - Rodeo Rd
Say’s Phoebe - Pecos
Lesser Goldfinch - Canyon Rd
Phainopeplia - Glorieta
Mountain Bluebird - Santa Fe
Kestrel - Agua Fria
Prairie Falcon - Coyote Ridge
Curved-Billed Thrasher - Eldorado
Dark-eyed Juncos - everywhere
Bushtits - Canoncito
Flock of Pinyon Jays - near St. Michael’s
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Rodeo Rd
Canyon Towhee - Rodeo Rd
Say’s Phoebe - Pecos
Northern Flicker - Downtown
Brown Capped Rosy Finch - Randall Davy Audubon Center
Lesser Goldfinches - Canyon Rd
Phainopepla - Glorieta
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Casa Allegre
Mountain Bluebirds
Red & White-breasted Nuthatches - Plaza
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet - Railyard
American Robins - Cochiti Lake
Kestrel - Aguq Fria
Prairie Falcon - Coyote Ridge
Curved-billed Thrasher - Eldorado
Evening Grosbeaks - Hyde Park & Los Alamos
Juniper Titmouse - Rodeo Rd
White-Crowned Sparrow - Rodeo Rd
Brown Creeper - Canyon Rd
Bewick’s Wren - Santa Fe
Dark-eyed Juncos - Canoncito & Los Alamos
Mountain Chickadee - Canoncito